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Quiz of the day: Complete the title of the only painting sold by Van Gogh in his lifetime - "The Red..."?

Quiz of the day: Complete the title of the only painting sold by Van Gogh in his lifetime - "The Red..."?

General Knowledge quiz question
The Red Vineyards near Arles is an oil painting by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, executed on a privately primed Toile de 30 piece of burlap in early November 1888. It depicts workers in a vineyard, and is believed to be the only painting van Gogh sold during his lifetime.

It has been listed among the artist's major works.
The Red Vineyard was exhibited for the first time at the annual exhibition of Les XX, 1890 in Brussels, and sold for 400 Francs (equal to about $2,000 today) to Anna Boch, an impressionist painter, member of Les XX and art collector from Belgium; Anna was the sister of Eugène Boch, another impressionist painter and a friend of Van Gogh, too, who had painted Boch's portrait (Le Peintre aux Étoiles) in Arles, in autumn 1888.

It was acquired by the famous Russian collector Sergei Shchukin, but was later nationalised by the Bolsheviks with the rest of his collection, which eventually passed to the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, where it resides today.

source: wikipedia


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