
Quiz of the day: In the National Hockey League (NHL), what trophy is awarded annually to the league's most valuable player?

Quiz of the day: In what decade did Great Britain join the United States and the Soviet Union as a nuclear power?

Quiz of the day: What is the national sport of Japan?

Quiz of the day: What serial killer terrorized Whitechapel, in the East End of London, committing at least five murders in 1888?

Quiz of the day: Of the 88 keys on a piano, how many are white?

Quiz of the day: What spacecraft was the first to land successfully on Mars in July of 1976?

Quiz of the day: What Chinese general and military strategist is credited with writing the 5th century BC text "The Art of War"?

Quiz of the day: Traditionally, a couple's third wedding anniversary is known as their?

Quiz of the day: The Beatles' song "All You Need is Love" opens with a few bars from which country's national anthem?

Quiz of the day: Making its debut in October 1939, the first Marvel Comic book (Marvel Comics #1) featured which superhero?

Quiz of the day: George Clooney shot to fame in which medical drama?

Quiz of the day: Complete the title of the only painting sold by Van Gogh in his lifetime - "The Red..."?

Quiz of the day: Known for being great companion dogs, Pugs originated from which country?

Quiz of the day: In which museum would you visit if you wanted to see the Mona Lisa?

Quiz of the day: The line "To be or not to be, that is the question" comes from which Shakespearean play?

Quiz of the day: Broccoli belongs to the same plant family as?

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